Source code for cvxpy.atoms.gmatmul

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from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np

import cvxpy.utilities as u
from cvxpy.atoms.atom import Atom
from cvxpy.expressions import cvxtypes

[docs] class gmatmul(Atom): r"""Geometric matrix multiplication; :math:`A \mathbin{\diamond} X`. For :math:`A \in \mathbf{R}^{m \times n}` and :math:`X \in \mathbf{R}^{n \times p}_{++}`, this atom represents .. math:: \left[\begin{array}{ccc} \prod_{j=1}^n X_{j1}^{A_{1j}} & \cdots & \prod_{j=1}^n X_{pj}^{A_{1j}} \\ \vdots & & \vdots \\ \prod_{j=1}^n X_{j1}^{A_{mj}} & \cdots & \prod_{j=1}^n X_{pj}^{A_{mj}} \end{array}\right] This atom is log-log affine (in :math:`X`). Parameters ---------- A : cvxpy.Expression A constant matrix. X : cvxpy.Expression A positive matrix. """ def __init__(self, A, X) -> None: # NB: It is important that the exponent is an attribute, not # an argument. This prevents parametrized exponents from being replaced # with their logs in Dgp2Dcp. self.A = Atom.cast_to_const(A) super(gmatmul, self).__init__(X) def numeric(self, values): """Geometric matrix multiplication. """ logX = np.log(values[0]) return np.exp(self.A.value @ logX) def name(self) -> str: return "%s(%s, %s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.A, self.args[0]) def validate_arguments(self) -> None: """Raises an error if the arguments are invalid. """ super(gmatmul, self).validate_arguments() if not self.A.is_constant(): raise ValueError( "gmatmul(A, X) requires that A be constant." ) if self.A.parameters() and not isinstance(self.A, cvxtypes.parameter()): raise ValueError( "gmatmul(A, X) requires that A be a Constant or a Parameter." ) if not self.args[0].is_pos(): raise ValueError( "gmatmul(A, X) requires that X be positive." ) def shape_from_args(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """Returns the (row, col) shape of the expression. """ return u.shape.mul_shapes(self.A.shape, self.args[0].shape) def get_data(self): """Returns info needed to reconstruct the expression besides the args. """ return [self.A] def sign_from_args(self) -> Tuple[bool, bool]: """Returns sign (is positive, is negative) of the expression. """ return (True, False) def is_atom_convex(self) -> bool: """Is the atom convex? """ return False def is_atom_concave(self) -> bool: """Is the atom concave? """ return False def parameters(self): # The exponent matrix, which is not an argument, may be parametrized. return self.args[0].parameters() + self.A.parameters() def is_atom_log_log_convex(self) -> bool: """Is the atom log-log convex? """ if u.scopes.dpp_scope_active(): # This branch applies curvature rules for DPP. # # Because a DPP scope is active, parameters will be # treated as affine (like variables, not constants) by curvature # analysis methods. # # A power X^A is log-log convex (actually, affine) as long as # at least one of X and P do not contain parameters. # # Note by construction (see A is either a Constant or # a Parameter, ie, either isinstance(A, Constant) or isinstance(A, # Parameter)). X = self.args[0] A = self.A return not (X.parameters() and A.parameters()) else: return True def is_atom_log_log_concave(self) -> bool: """Is the atom log-log concave? """ return self.is_atom_log_log_convex() def is_incr(self, idx) -> bool: """Is the composition non-decreasing in argument idx? """ return self.A.is_nonneg() def is_decr(self, idx) -> bool: """Is the composition non-increasing in argument idx? """ return self.A.is_nonpos() def _grad(self, values) -> None: return None