.. _citing: Citing CVXPY ============ If you use CVXPY for published work, we encourage you to cite the accompanying `JMLR MLOSS paper `_ and the `JCD paper `_. Please use the following BibTeX entries: :: @article{diamond2016cvxpy, author = {Steven Diamond and Stephen Boyd}, title = {{CVXPY}: {A} {P}ython-embedded modeling language for convex optimization}, journal = {Journal of Machine Learning Research}, year = {2016}, volume = {17}, number = {83}, pages = {1--5}, } :: @article{agrawal2018rewriting, author = {Agrawal, Akshay and Verschueren, Robin and Diamond, Steven and Boyd, Stephen}, title = {A rewriting system for convex optimization problems}, journal = {Journal of Control and Decision}, year = {2018}, volume = {5}, number = {1}, pages = {42--60}, } Many of CVXPY's features were initially developed as research projects. These features and their BibTex entries are listed below. `Disciplined geometric programming `_ :: @article{agrawal2019dgp, author = {Agrawal, Akshay and Diamond, Steven and Boyd, Stephen}, title = {Disciplined geometric programming}, journal = {Optimization Letters}, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, year = {2019}, volume = {13}, number = {5}, pages = {961--976}, } `Disciplined quasiconvex programming `_ :: @article{agrawal2020dqcp, author = {Agrawal, Akshay and Boyd, Stephen}, title = {Disciplined quasiconvex programming}, journal = {Optimization Letters}, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, year = {2020}, note = {To appear} } `Differentiating through convex optimization problems `_ :: @inproceedings{agrawal2019differentiable, title={Differentiable convex optimization layers}, author={Agrawal, Akshay and Amos, Brandon and Barratt, Shane and Boyd, Stephen and Diamond, Steven and Kolter, J. Zico}, booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems}, pages={9558--9570}, year={2019}, } `Differentiating through log-log convex programs `_ :: @article{agrawal2020differentiating, title={Differentiating through log-log convex programs}, author={Agrawal, Akshay and Boyd, Stephen}, journal={arXiv}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, eprint={2004.12553}, primaryClass={math.OC}, year={2020}, }